" ...the links among corporations, institutions, and government officials that profit from endless war. The US War of Terror is not about liberation, democracy, or UN resolutions. Plainly put, the War of Terror--whether in Iraq, Colombia, Afghanistan, or the USA--is about subjugation, resource extraction, and opening markets: a practice once referred to more honestly as colonialism. "

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Most Corrupt Profiteer #3: George Schultz

“Senior Counselor, The Bechtel Corporation, Former Secretary of State

Best known for dumping nuclear waste on native lands and hijacking Bolivia's water, now Bechtel's scored big with the contract to "rebuild" Iraq. AND, they employ George Schultz and Caspar Weinberger. Did some-one say, "revolving door?"

Bechtel was given contracts to build most of the United State’s nuclear power plants and then had another contract to clean the mess from building the plants. When Bechtel had installed one of the reactors backwards, this forced Californian citizens to pay for cost over-runs at the San Onofre nuclear power plant. Environmentally speaking, these power plants absorb in gigantic amounts of water to cool the reactors, but also suck in plankton, fish and seals along with the water. The heat that is dispersed from the water cooling the reactors destroys miles of kelp on the seabed.

Bechtel being the primary contractor for rebuilding Iraq’s infrastructure, finishing up the reconstruction project on Interstate 93 beneath the surface of the city. The estimated cost for the project was $2.5 billion in 1985. However, the cost for the project has been dramatically rising every year out of “unexpected spending.” The latest cost for this project has come to be $14.6 billion for the near 8 miles of highway, making it around $1.8 billion dollars per mile.

Bechtel has many important connections that allow the company to win many contracts and to get away with overcharging or even damaging the environment, such as Jack Sheehan who is a senior VP at Bechtel and also a member of DPB (Defense Policy Board), one of the government appointed group that advised the Pentagon on the war.




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