" ...the links among corporations, institutions, and government officials that profit from endless war. The US War of Terror is not about liberation, democracy, or UN resolutions. Plainly put, the War of Terror--whether in Iraq, Colombia, Afghanistan, or the USA--is about subjugation, resource extraction, and opening markets: a practice once referred to more honestly as colonialism. "

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bush 41st vs. Bush 43rd: Who was more corrupt?

Many consider George H. W. Bush to have been an ineffective President, however when placed in comparison with his son, George W. Bush, he seems to stand out much better than one would think.

George H. W. served in World War II, having been shot by Japanese enemy pilots, but on the other hand, George W. avoided service in Vietnam by joining the Air National Guard, which he failed to even complete.

Though many believe Bush Senior was a bit less of a serious president along with all the humorous mistakes, he fails to be seen as a complete idiot that everyone sees of his son.

While going to war against Hussein could’ve been avoided, Bush Senior headed for war because there was an apparent act of aggression from Hussein, which did not conclude with the occupation of a foreign country. However, George W. did everything in its complete opposite extremes, where the war in Iraq was incredibly more avoidable, no justification and poor planning, taking many lives on both sides and ironically increasing terrorism in the Middle East and the development of corruption from U.S. corporations and contractors.

One of the most important “facts” is that Bush Senior only served one term, where George. W served two; besides the difference in number of terms, Bush Senior did not steal the election.



Other humorous resources about George W. Bush:


1 comment:

JiggamanBang! said...

Shit their all the same muthafucker.