" ...the links among corporations, institutions, and government officials that profit from endless war. The US War of Terror is not about liberation, democracy, or UN resolutions. Plainly put, the War of Terror--whether in Iraq, Colombia, Afghanistan, or the USA--is about subjugation, resource extraction, and opening markets: a practice once referred to more honestly as colonialism. "

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Most Corrupt Profiteer #5: Henry Kissinger

“Architect of Evil

Founder of nuclear gunship diplomacy, kingpin war criminal-Kissinger sets the standard. Wanted for terrorism and genocide in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Chile, Cyprus, Kurdistan. Where terror reigns, Henry was there

The 56th United States Secretary of State, Kissinger effectively enabled greater bloodshed and casualties in wars that could’ve been settle with peace talks; however, he prevented those as well. By using a back-channel or “an unofficial channel of communication between states or other political entities, used to supplement official channels, often for the purposes of discussing highly sensitive policy issues,” the Saigon government negated deals with Lyndon Johnson, the 36th U.S. President in offer of Nixon’s plan and his “bogus promise of better terms.” This of course added 4 more years to the Vietnam War and essentially doubled the amount of the deaths. Kissinger was responsible for the intended and calculated massacre of civilians, in campaigns like Operation Speedy Express (10,000 Vietnamese villagers were killed) and the secret bombings in Laos and Cambodia, where 350,000 and 600,000 civilians were killed, respectively. Kissinger would support a military rule in Bangladesh. With the help from Kissinger and weapons supplied by the U.S. General Yahya Khan took over the democratically elected government of Bangladesh, killing at least half a million civilians in 1971. Likewise, Kissinger also would approve Operation Condor, which yet again supported military ruling in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay kill off support for political and social change.








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