" ...the links among corporations, institutions, and government officials that profit from endless war. The US War of Terror is not about liberation, democracy, or UN resolutions. Plainly put, the War of Terror--whether in Iraq, Colombia, Afghanistan, or the USA--is about subjugation, resource extraction, and opening markets: a practice once referred to more honestly as colonialism. "

Friday, November 9, 2007

Crony Capitalism.

Capitalism, a word that's supposed to stand for free enterprise and yet, in combination with the word Crony, which extends from Cronyism, enterprise no longer appears to be free in it's true nature, democratically anyway. Cronyism refers to an apparent inclination towards those with close relationships and is the means to receiving authority and power, diametrically opposed to Meritocracy.

As shown on this corruption index (to the left), the higher the index, the less corrupt and the lower obviously means more corruption, also indicated by the darker values of red. The United States is a surprisingly 7-7.9 yellow; guess you have democracy to thank for that. However, it also means that the U.S. is not pure of (generalized) corruption, and when combined with a capitalistic society, it would not mix well in favor democracy, hence crony capitalism.

Although, Jane Jacobs, a writer and activist, believes that any capitalist system will eventually fall into the trap of crony capitalism, and therefore no way to avoid it. She reasons that capitalism enables businesses, and these businesses could inevitably become profitable and with money they obtain (political) power; the connection is established between businesses being able to influence the government at one point. [link]

In relevance with my Corruption and Scandal theme, Halliburton, a multinational corporation has obvious connections with the former vice President, Dick Cheney. This association increases the likeliness of no-bid-contracting, a term which I will discuss in a latter post. [Ties with Dick Cheney]


Arsenio said...

And yet, Democracy still stands as we live our everyday lives, not realizing what happens "behind the scenes". This is because your everyday, redneck American is too preoccupied with their own lives, rather then the lives of everyone else. Even now, as we dismiss the events of the world, the H Res 799 was once again proposed on November 6th for the impeachment of Dick Cheney on three counts. source

I think the true issue is who to believe in our "corrupt" government, an issue that leads through to the upcoming elections next year.

Global Warming said...

Its funny many people in this "democratic" nation are not aware of anything that is truly going around them. Most are blinded by the Media and presume their every life's as if they are not affected in anyway by our corrupt government. (Off TOPIC, well kinda)I just hate when people hear some negative or positive view on the news from stations like FOX,CNN, and BBC and immediately take it in. They react so quickly, bragging to others as if they know what they are talking about, based on one political idea, never truly understanding both sides of the topic. People are too brainwashed by Media in this day of age that whatever is said to them their going to immediately believe is true, never criticizing their "beloved" government. (Well most people anyway)

Iqra said...

I would grade this blog, and all the posts as 96%. The topic is clearly addressed with clearly written language, sources are present, evidences, pictures and overall the blog accomplishes goals somewhat needed.

Bush one on one Saddam said...

I will give you a score of 10%.